Donate Online
We try not to talk too much about money at St. Joe’s. But the reality is that like any group or organization, we have bills to pay and obligations to keep.
We have operated on a shoe string budget since our founding fifteen years ago. We are still here today because of the generosity of parishioners and those friends of the parish who believe in our ministry. We are different from many churches in that we do not “pass the plate” during our liturgy itself. There is an offering box by the entrance of the church where any envelopes or offerings can be made.
To make donating easier, we are now able to accept checks, credit and debit cards online. Click Here to Give Online. You can make a secure, one time donation or schedule your regular contributions. This helps both you and the parish to budget accordingly, so we strongly encourage you to consider this method of supporting the parish.
Your contribution is a means of sharing in the ministry of St. Joseph of Arimathea. Thank you for you continued support and generosity!